Community empowerment (CE)
Community empowerment refers to the process of enabling communities to increase control over their lives. Community empowerment necessarily addresses the social, cultural, political and economic determinants that underpin health, and seeks to build partnerships with other sectors in finding solutions. Thus, our CE activities are designed to address these concepts.
Nature based tourism

We are promoting nature based tourism activities on and around our conservation sites.
Nature guide trainings

These trainings include language training, knowledge about current biodiversity in the area and the importance of conservation

Volunteers can enguage conservation activities shair their knoladge and learn about local culture and experiance the nature
Public heath programs

We are supporting to local community through organising heath camps in the priority conservation sites.
Sustainable Agriculture

We are intraducing sustanable agriculturel practices on and around prioraty conservation areas.
Sustainable Agricultureā

We are intraducing sustanable agriculturel practices on and around prioraty conservation areas