Human monkey conflict


Reasons for the human monkey conflict (HMC)

1. Reduction of natural habitats resulting in displacement of monkeys from areas they have used for generations to satisfy their survival needs
2. Fragmentation of monkey habitat (natural forest and home-garden)
3. Lack of proper arboreal substrates to move monkeys
4. Careless disposal of garbage containing leftover human foods and feeding of monkeys by humans cause to increase the monkey population in

anthropogenic landscape
5. Feeding monkeys also result in losing their fear of humans and sometimes causing people with physical harm.
6. Capturing monkeys from areas of conflict and transferring them as well as the problems they cause to other sites.
7. Lack of knowledge about biology of monkeys, HMC and reasons for the conflict
8. No proper wildlife management techniques for the monkeys in the anthropogenic landscape


Immediate actions for mitigation of Human-monkey conflict (HMC)


1. Educate the community about the nature of HMC and attitude towards monkeys through printed, audio and visual media through workshops and lectures

2. Discourage feeding monkeys
- Introducing of proper garbage disposal system
- Introducing of penalty scheme for giving food to the monkeys
- Educate the people
3. Introducing of adaptive wildlife management techniques
- introducing monkey chasing guards (trained person with a uniform)
- using solar powered electric fencing to control monkey intrusions (especially in temples and shrines)
- providing arboreal substrate in the conflict areas to prevent structural damages (providing of monkey bridges)
- using adaptive tree management techniques
- growing of crops which are less attractive for the monkeys in the severe HMC areas

4. Discourage animal translocation as a method to mitigate human-monkey conflict.















Land Owners Restore Rainforests in SriLanka, No. A30, Maddumage Watta Gangodavila Nugegoda.
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